Monday, May 4, 2015

The Arduino and Sunfounder Kit

The Arduino, simply put, is a micro-controller board that takes various digital and analog inputs and produces various digital and analog outputs. It is very useful for things such as driving motors, using sensors, etc.
The Arduino is very popular among hobbyists and do-it-yourselvers because of the huge community that surrounds it as well as the abundance of  tutorials and information regarding using the Arduino and other boards/software together.
You can learn about the Arduino on there website: They have amazing tutorials as well as cool projects if ever need inspiration. The Arduino also comes with its own IDE which you would have to download on their website, although the compiler converts the code into C++ and send that to the board. Knowing this most experienced programmers tend to code in C++ as it is more powerful and versatile than the Arduino IDE. Personally I prefer the Arduino IDE due to the fact that is has a simple UI as well as built in example. I am however trying to learn how to code in C++ so that in the future I will be able to code the Arduino in C++.

As a beginner Arduino user, and electronics enthusiast, I did not know much about the Arduino and also did not have a lot of parts that I could use with Arduino, thus I decided to buy myself a

This kit gave all the parts that I would ever need to build simple circuits, and learn how to use the Arduino. The kit also includes a dvd and book that teaches you how to build different circuits with the components give and is a great way to get into learning how to use the Arduino board.
I've been using this kit for about a couple weeks now and I'm in love with it. The book and dvd are my go to guide if I have a problem or need inspiration I would refer to those 2 items.

This was just a brief overview of what I currently use for my projects, and i will be releasing my first tutorial this Thursday. Be sure to check that out. Remember, feed back is always appreciated. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

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